
祭柄袷小紋 Festival fine pattern kimono

祭柄、黄土色、緑、着丈 151cm、裄 63cm 袖丈43cm、 状態:優良、着物$100、帯$100、


Silk, Ocher lined kimono, full length 59.5”, shoulder width plus sleeve width 24.75″,  sleeve length 16.75″

Excellent condition.   Kimono $100, sash $100, kimono set including sash $180

帯留と紐 Obidome and sash tie

梅に矢羽 桐箱入り $50
Sash tie with a plum and arrow brooch   $50

川橋花総柄大島紬小紋 River, bridges & plants fine pattern Oshima kimono

紫、緑、着丈 160cm、裄 64cm、袖丈 47cm、裏地、裏地変色


Silk, Oshima Tsumugi lined kimono, full length 62”, shoulder width plus sleeve width 25.5″,  sleeve length 18.5″

Normal condition.   Discolored liner. Kimono $100, sash $100, Kimono set with sash  $180

菖蒲風柄大島紬袷小紋 Flower pattern Oshima lined kimono-SOLD

菖蒲風柄、紺色、着丈 151cm、裄 63cm 袖丈48cm、状態:普通、裏地変色、着物$100、帯$100、帯締$30、着物コーデ3点セット$200

Silk, flower pattern, navy color, Oshima Tsumugi lined kimono, full length 59.5”, shoulder width plus sleeve width 25″,  sleeve length 19″

Normal condition but liner discolored.   Kimono $100, sash $100, rope $30, the kimono set including sash and cord $200

花紋柄大島紬袷小紋 Flower basket pattern Oshima lined kimono

花紋柄、黒、白、赤色、着丈 151cm、裄 64cm、袖丈49cm 状態:着心地良、着物$100、帯$100、帯締$30、着物コーデ3点セット$200

Silk,  Oshima Tumugi lined kimono, full length 59.5”, shoulder width plus sleeve width 25.5″,  sleeve length 19.5″

Good condition.   Kimono $100, sash $100, code $30, the whole kimono set including sash and cord $200

格子柄単小紋 Ivory fine pattern single layer kimono

化繊生地、象牙色、黒、単着物、着丈 145cm、裄 64cm 袖丈48cm 状態:良、着物$100、帯$100、帯締$30、着物コーデ3点セット$200

Polyester, Ivory single layer kimono, full length 57.25”, shoulder width plus sleeve width 25.5″,  sleeve length 19″

Good condition.   Kimono $100, sash $100, cord $30, the kimono set including sash and cord $200