古帛紗Kofukusa silk cloth for tea ceremony - SOLD
熊谷美術織物製、本金紫地雲風紋様金襴、3枚セット 縦15cm、横15cm、桐箱入り $90
Gold brocade textile used for tea ceremony by Kumagai Art Textile, comes with a wooden box, 6”x6” set of 3 $90

漆塗竹籠 Bamboo tray
竹細工。直径15cm、高さ2.5cm $10
Urushi lacquered 6” diameter, 1” high $10

塗りの道具入れ Large red lacquered storage container
13” diameter, 5” high $150

茶托 Chataku (tea cup saucer)
木製塗り茶たく 直径12cm、高さ2cm 6枚セット$30
Curved wood 4&6/8” diameter, 6/8” high, set of 6 $30

銅盆 Copper tray
広島伝統工芸の銅蟲細工。縦17cm、横22.5cm $50
traditional craft from Hiroshima prefecture, 6&6/8”x9” $50

柿色塗3重丸箱 Three tiers stacked container in a storage box -SOLD
黒塗外箱付き(銀座すや、の銘)、直径14cm、高さ8cm、箱の縦17cm、横16cm、高さ19cm 、$90
Persimmon color lacquerware, stamped name Ginza Suya, 5.5” diameter, 7” high, box 6.5”x 6.5” x 7.5” $90

萩焼 Hagi
Yamaguchi Prefecture Pretty simple and delicate pottery made from the soil of Hagi.
Yamaguchi Prefecture Pretty simple and delicate pottery made from the soil of Hagi.

有田焼 Arita
Porcelain boasts long tradition and beautiful design and hue.
Porcelain boasts long tradition and beautiful design and hue.

波佐見焼 Hasami
It’s fun to see simplicity and modern style.
It’s fun to see simplicity and modern style.